[Media] Geschreven door Quint op 2007-07-05 09:30:30
Smash Attacks
Deze keer leert de update je hoe het aanvallen in zijn werk gaat in Super Smash Bros. Brawl! We hebben al vele dingen gezien; welke controls er mogelijk zijn, de final smashes, diverse items en diverse characters, maar nu worden de 'normale' aanvallen eindelijk aan het licht gebracht. Er lijkt niet veel nieuws aan de horizon te zijn, maar als je goed kijkt zie je dat de Smash Attacks hun intrede maken! Bekijk hieronder hoe alles precies in zijn werk gaat:
Bron: Smash Bros. DOJO!!There’s a variety of attacks in Smash Bros., and they all involve some combination of strength and direction. Let me start here by talking about strength. Standard Attack [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705a-l.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705a-l.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705e.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705e.jpg border=0 height=130 width=405][/img][/url] If you just press the attack button, you’ll perform a standard attack. These are generally speedy. Strong Attack [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705b-l.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705b-l.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705f.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705f.jpg border=0 height=130 width=405][/img][/url] When you tilt the stick in a direction, you’ll do a stronger attack in that direction. These attacks usually have longer reach. Smash Attack [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705c-l.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705c-l.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705g.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705g.jpg border=0 height=138 width=405][/img][/url] Now, if you simultaneously tilt the stick and press the button, you’ll do a smash attack. These are powerful! Since the name for smash attack is derived from the game’s name, you can assume they’re pretty important. Swiftly tilt the Control Stick left, right, up, or down, and simultaneously attack! When you link the feeling of this control with the result of sending an opponent flying, I think you’ll start to see the crux of this game. At first, don’t overthink things. It’s OK to just tilt the stick and mash some buttons. Ease yourself into it. [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705d-l.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/basic04_070705d-l.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] By pressing and holding the attack button during a smash attack, you can build up power. Power up and unleash it when the time is right!
Gekoppelde games
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)