[Media] Geschreven door Johannes op 2007-07-11 09:18:34

Bumper maakt zijn rentree in Brawl

Hebben we het hier over het item dat negen jaar geleden in de eerste Super Smash Bros. zat? Bumper was een item in Super Smash Bros. dat irritant, maar soms effectief en tactisch van hoge waarde werd gevonden. Negen jaar na dato maakt dit item zijn rentree in Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Bekijk de nieuwste screens hieronder.

[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_001.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_001.jpg border=0 height=200 width=257][/img][/url]
What?! Is this... Could it be?! It’s the Bumper from the Nintendo 64 version of Super Smash Bros.! Back again after a whole nine years... Well, I’ll be.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_002.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_002.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] Ahh... That really takes me back.
This is the kind of bumper you might see bouncing a pinball around. So if a character touches it, he or she will get knocked around as well!
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_003.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_003.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] Watch out for those bumpers once they’re set!
Now you can set them in midair as well. This might lend itself to a few new and interesting strategies.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_004.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Item_Bumper_004.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] Of course, just keeping people from making it back to the stage should be the most obvious use.
And don’t just set it randomly and wait for an opponent to walk into it—try to use it wisely in combination with your own attacks.

Gekoppelde games

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)