[Nieuws] Geschreven door Richard op 2003-10-28 23:37:37

EGM interviewt George!

Niet echt bepaald onthullende dingen, maar EGM schuwt de stoutste vragen niet, dus meer duidelijkheid over bepaalde zaken wel. Zo denkt Nintendo niet dat de Gamecube heeft gefaald in Amerika, maar dat er met wat meer goeie software een veel beter resultaat behaald had kunnen worden. Verder geeft George aan dat ze nog steeds niet weten wat ze met het online gamen aanmoeten, maar ook weten ze dat de consument dit graag wil, en ze zullen hier ook zeker rekening mee houden met de volgende console. EGM: Do you feel that Nintendo's conservative approach to online gaming may put you at a disadvantage when the next generation of systems come along? George: If we look at the situation as it stands today, we've got about 30 million systems sold between the PS2, Xbox and GameCube, and about a million and a half people have actually bought an online service -- about a million for Sony and half a million for Xbox. So that's about five percent of the hardware install base that spent the money to get involved. Most of those people have yet to spend any money on a monthly or annual basis for a subscription. This holiday season and the following year will be very telling for online gaming, because consumers' free one-year subscriptions will run out and they'll have to decide -- do I spend, or not? That, or our competitors will have to decide whether to continue giving it away for free. So I don't think that we're missing anything by not being involved. I will say, though, that it certainly has played out the way we thought it would in this generation. The hype may have been more important than the actual substance. But having said that, we know that consumers continue to be interested in online gaming, and we know that it has to be a component of our next system. We're thinking about how we can fit it in, what kind of partners we would need, and so on. Verder uitgebreidde uitleg over de (afwezigheid van) third party developers en ook dat de opvolger van de Gamecube zo vroeg mogelijk komt, mits er genoeg software voor is. Lees het volledige interview op EGMmag.com! Veel dank aan ex-CV crew member Cubed voor het melden ;).