[Media] Geschreven door Johannes op 2008-01-28 14:00:27

Alle Brawlonderdelen op een rijtje

Héél veel screenshots zijn er vandaag door Sakurai vrijgegeven. Enkele bekende, maar ook enkele zeer interessante zijn hier te bekijken! Super Smash Bros. Brawl behoeft geen introductie. Sora heeft de afgelopen jaar er keihard aan gewerkt om dit deel grootser, beter enzovoort te maken dan diens voorgangers bij elkaar. Of ze dat gaat lukken zullen we binnenkort te weten komen wanneer de Japanse en Amerikaanse launches plaatsvinden en hopelijk niet veel later daarna ook de Europese. Om je alvast goed te laten weten laat Sakurai je onderstaande beelden zien. Als je de updates vaak hebt bezocht zal veel bekend voorkomen.

The top menu contains six different modes, but I've decided to introduce the finer points of each mode one by one.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_001.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_001.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Here's the top menu.
Let's do a rough overview of the mode known as the Vault. The Vault is where items you've collected or created in Brawl are stored. Objects you've received as rewards or have downloaded usually appear here.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_002.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_002.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] This is the Vault menu!
Trophies & Stickers
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_003.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_003.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Trophy Gallery [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_004.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_004.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Browse your collection of trophies here. Trophy Hoard [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_005.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_005.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Line up your trophies and take photos of them. Sticker Album [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_006.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_006.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] View all of your stickers laid out neatly in an album. Sticker Center [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_007.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_007.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Enjoy arranging your stickers. Coin Launcher [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_008.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_008.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Fire off volleys of coins to snag new trophies and stickers!
Stage Builder
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_009.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_009.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] You can create all sorts of stages here. [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_010.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_010.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Build stages like this one! [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_011.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_011.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] And this one! [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_012.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_012.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] If you connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, you might find something new waiting for you here.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_013.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_013.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Check out your best snapshots here. [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_014.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_014.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] All the shots you take can be found in the Album! [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_015.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_015.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] It looks like you might have a new snapshot waiting as well.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_016.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_016.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url]
Once you've received a reward for completing a challenge, check here to see what you need to do to complete other challenges. Find more information here. Replays
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_017.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_017.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] Save up to 3 minutes of game play per replay. Of course, you can record your brawls... [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_018.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_018.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] And your Home-Run Contests! [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_019.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_019.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] And your runs in Target Smash!! [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_020.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_020.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] And your exploits in Multi-Man Brawl!
The power to record and send out brawl replays is in your hands. You can even zoom in for a close-up on individual characters while viewing replays.
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_021.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_021.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url]
Savour the "authentic" battles past for many famous characters through Virtual Console trial versions! Chronicle [url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_022.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Vault_022.jpg border=0 height=315 width=400][/img][/url] This bonus feature lets you peruse Nintendo's library of past titles. Missing titles in your Chronicle will gradually fill in as you obtain stickers and other things related to those games. (However, there are some titles that will not be displayed until the very end.) Mm hmm... ...This is just nuts. How on earth did we squeeze all these modes in here? I've clearly gone overboard with Brawl. But still, it's not like I want everyone to play through every single portion of the game. I think I'd rather you played small portions of the areas you find interesting a little at a time. Whether you choose to go solo or play with friends, you're covered, because Brawl is about playing the way you want to play.

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)