[Nieuws] Geschreven door Johannes op 2008-05-20 18:58:04

Nintendo legt Brawl vertraging uit

Laurent Fischer doet een boekje open over de reden waarom het zo lang duurde tot Nintendo een releasedatum aan Brawl vastplakte. Na maanden in onzekerheid te hebben geleefd, kunnen Wii bezitters en Super Smash Bros. fans over één maandje aan de gang met één van de grootste Wii games tot nu toe: Brawl. Dat de game al lang en breed in zowel de Japanse als de Amerikaanse schappen te vinden is, hoor je ons nu even niet meer over. Nintendo wil wel even uitleggen hoe het kan dat het allemaal zo lang duurde. Daarom puur en alleen even Nintendo Europe's senior marketing director Laurent Fischer aan het woord in een interview met Nintendo Official Magazine.

[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Snake_005.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Snake_005.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] De probleemdoos wordt opengetrokken.
"Well, yeah, that's always been the big question: why do we have a delay for Smash Bros? You need to see it title by title. It's the same team, the same pool of teams, that have been localising and that have been proofing. But localisation is only one thing: production is another thing also, because at the moment we are not just producing Smash Bros for Europe, we're producing hundreds of first party games and third party games for locations all over the world. 

So localisation issues are one part of the delay, but you also have production issues, logistic issues... so a release date is always the result of a large number of factors, and it's a complex decision process. It's not that we deliberately like to be late in Europe, and it's our job to take care of it, but to localise in six languages is always a challenge."
Om hem toch even te onderbreken. Het is algemeen bekend dat we deze vertraging ongetwijfeld aan de Fransen, Italianen en Duitsers te danken hebben, welke maar niet de wereldtaal willen beheersen. Toch?
"It's not just text. This is a large game with lots of characters, and you must also remember that the voices of certain characters are different.

"That means we have to record six different sets of voices for some characters. We kept voices in there that the game doesn't let you see, like the Japanese voices and such, but there are a lot of voices that are localised so we have to record the voices for certain characters in the game six times. 

And then it's not only recording, you then have to make the sound work. Every time you go through localisation you then have to put it through a test, which involves making sure that you recorded the proper voice, and that the proper voice is being activated with the proper trigger, at the proper time... so it's not just a case of swapping over some words, it requires some proper extra development processes. And so it takes time. 

I realise that from time to time we have still been disappointing some people, but in general we have also been able to bring to them games which would have never been available before in a European market, and the time frame is slowly decreasing, so I'm positive for the future. We know that we are still not reaching the expectations of all the people, but we're really doing our best to resolve this."
[url=http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Snake_004.jpg target=_blanc][img]http://www.wiids.nl/files/SSBB_Snake_004.jpg border=0 height=329 width=400][/img][/url] Nintendo: "En nu willen we er niets meer over horen!"

Gekoppelde games

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)